GIS Book

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Exercise Workbook-Introduction to 3D Data Modeling with ArcGIS 3D Analyst and Google Earth

Introduction to 3D Data 
by K. Heather Kennedy

Preface Introduction to 3D Data teaches GIS specialists, analysts, and technicians how to use ESRI ’ s ArcGIS 3D Analyst to model and analyze three - dimensional geographical surfaces, create 3D data, and produce displays ranging from topographically realistic maps to 3D scenes and spherical earthlike views.

The book is organized into 10 chapters, each focusing on one data type or software interface (ArcCatalog, ArcScene, ArcGlobe, or Google Earth). There are 39 step - by - step project exercises, with plain - language discussions throughout of pertinent data structures and software mechanics. My goal was to create a friendly, engaging atmosphere that strikes a balance between reference - like tutorials that just tell you what to do but not why, and academic tomes that celebrate theory without suggesting any real - world application. After going through these exercises, you will know exactly what 3D Analyst can do, and you will remember the situations in which you applied particular techniques and created particular types of data.

Some readers will recognize material from my previous book, Data in Three Dimensions: A Guide to ArcGIS 3D Analyst (Onword Press, 2004), which covered 3D Analyst for ArcGIS 8.x. Introduction to 3D Data is updated and expanded for ArcGIS 9.3 and covers new data formats, such as Terrains, multipatch features, and KML. Google Earth is also addressed, but 3D Analyst remains the focus since its strength is GIS data creation and analysis, while Google Earth is mostly for display. You will need to have ArcView installed to do the exercises in this book, and you will need a concurrent 3D Analyst license. Most of the exercises can be done using version 9.1 or 9.2, but some require 9.3. You will also need to have Google Earth installed.

The sample data on the support website at is only for tutorial use. The data has been altered and so is not reliable for purposes other than illustrative or educational. The datasets are not to be sold, copied (except for personal use), or distributed. 


CHAPTER 1 Introduction to 3D Data: Modeling with ArcGIS 3D Analyst and Google Earth  Exercise 1-1: Preview Data in ArcCatalog 
 Exercise 1-2: Create a Layer File in ArcCatalog 

CHAPTER 2 3D Display in ArcScene 
Exercise 2-1: Set Background Color and Illumination in ArcScene
Exercise 2-2: Set Vertical Exaggeration in ArcScene
Exercise 2-3: Apply a Coordinate System to a Scene
Exercise 2-4: Set 3D Layer Properties for an Elevation Raster

Exercise 2-5: Set 3D Layer Properties for a Raster Image
Exercise 2-6: Set Base Heights for a 2D Vector Layer
Exercise 2-7: Extrude 2D Vector Features
Challenge Exercise: View Regional Park Study Data in ArcScene 

CHAPTER 3 3D Navigation and Animation
Exercise 3-1: Set Targets and Observers
Exercise 3-2: Animated Rotation and the Viewer Manager
Exercise 3-3: The Fly Tool
Exercise 3-4: Create 3D Animated Films 

CHAPTER 4 ArcGlobe
Exercise 4-1: Understanding ArcGlobe
Exercise 4-2: Explore ArcGlobe’s Options, Add Data, and Redefi ne Layer Types 

CHAPTER 5 Google Earth

Exercise 5-1: Navigating Google Earth’s Interface, and the Planet
Exercise 5-2: Create a Polygon and Edit Its Properties Through Google Earth’s Form Menus
Exercise 5-3: Edit the Gardens Polygon Using KML 

CHAPTER 6 Raster Surface Models
Exercise 6-1: Interpolate a Terrain Surface with Spline
Exercise 6-2: Interpolate Terrain with Inverse Distance Weighted and Natural Neighbors

Exercise 6-3: Calculate Hillshade and Aspect
Exercise 6-4: Calculate Slope

Exercise 6-5: Calculate View shed
Challenge Exercise: Calculate Viewshed and Slope Levels for Elk Park 

CHAPTER 7 TIN Surface Models
Exercise 7-1: Create a TIN from Vector Features

Exercise 7-2: Add Polygon Attribute Values to a TIN
Exercise 7-3: Change TIN Symbology and Classification
Challenge Exercise: Create a TIN of Elk Park

CHAPTER 8 Terrain Surface Models
Exercise 8-1: Create a Terrain Dataset
Exercise 8-2: Rasterize a Terrain Dataset and View it in ArcGlobe

CHAPTER 9 3D Features and More Surface Analysis Techniques
Exercise 9-1: Convert 2D Features to 3D, and Digitize 3D Features in ArcMap

Exercise 9-2: Draw a Line of Sight and a Cross-section Profile Graph
Exercise 9-3: Calculate Surface Area and Volume on a TIN 296 Challenge Exercise: Create Multipatch 3D Features

CHAPTER 10 SKP to Multipatch to KML: Finalize the Elk Park Project
Exercise 10-1: Convert a SketchUp File to a Multipatch Feature Class
Exercise 10-2: View the Multipatch Feature Class in ArcGlobe
Exercise 10-3: Export Layers from ArcMap to KML, and View Them in Google Earth

Challenge Exercise: Export a SketchUp Model to Google Earth 

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